two years today.

nikon d70s - montage.

so tom makes pictures is two years old today.. this is how i spent the evening.

thanks everyone.

11 thoughts on “two years today.”

  1. I’m liking your montages, they’re a bit good.
    Also…happy birthday my little blog, squidge you, hope you had a lovely day.
    And congratulations to mr tomothy, for having this blog and looking after it for two years…they grow up so fast, don’t they?

  2. awesome, great shot(s).

    that means it was roughly two years ago i first met you, how time fly’s…

  3. hey ! what a good thing to discover after some months yours pics ! I’m a french poete, as you know, so your pics make me feel great scape !

    personnal message : France will win the world cup !!! hihihi 😉

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