i’m famous goddammit, hahahahahaha the money, the women, the POWER!!! MWAH HA HA HAAAAA. erm. maybe it went to my head a bit there. So my Coke Cup idea didn’t quite make the grade huh? hmmph, FINE!! haha.
thats confusing, the thumbs the right way up, but the rest is upside down… or was tom bobs thumb upside down when you took the photo so it reversed it?
sweet man. very clever. INDDEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!
nice, *fumbs up*. Thats a big thumb.
i’m famous goddammit, hahahahahaha the money, the women, the POWER!!! MWAH HA HA HAAAAA. erm. maybe it went to my head a bit there. So my Coke Cup idea didn’t quite make the grade huh? hmmph, FINE!! haha.
thats confusing, the thumbs the right way up, but the rest is upside down… or was tom bobs thumb upside down when you took the photo so it reversed it?
Trippin me the fuck out maybe cuz im pissed but even so ur lush keep goin hehe
You know what they say about a man and his thumb…
Me, either…but…hey, big thumb, big thumbnail. 😉
nice one